Crowdfunding Campaign

Kickstarter Referral Metrics Deep Dive | Crowdfunding Nerds Ep. 1

Kickstarter Referral Metrics Deep Dive

Andrew, Rick, and Sexy Irish Sean break down Kickstarter referral metrics and present a helpful ratio to understand your marketing efforts. Want to know when your board game is ready for Kickstarter? Listen out for all of our Crowdfunding Nerds tips that will help you line up your product for success!
How To Craft Your Kickstarter Offer | Crowdfunding Nerds Ep. 3

How To Craft Your Kickstarter Offer

A deep dive into your crowdfunding offer. When it comes to your offer, buyer’s remorse, shipping, and manufacturing must all be considered when crafting your Kickstarter landing page.
gamefound vs kickstarter

Gamefound Vs Kickstarter

In episode 4 of Crowdfunding Nerds, Andrew, Rick and Sexy Irish Sean compare the new crowdfunding site, Gamefound, with Kickstarter. They also discuss manufactured urgency vs. legitimate urgency with regards to crowdfunding.
plan for kickstarter

4.5 Outcomes You Need To Consider Before Going To Kickstarter

Andrew, Rick and Sexy Irish Sean of Crowdfunding Nerds discuss 4.5 things you need to plan for before you launch on Kickstarter. They also cover if you should ever delay your launch or limit your pledges.
Kickstarter Mental Health: What You Need To Know & How To Prepare

Kickstarter Mental Health: What You Need To Know & How To Prepare

On this week's episode of Crowdfunding Nerds Andrew, SEO Wizard Rick and Sexy Irish Sean talk about the important topic of Mental Health during a Kickstarter campaign.

What Matters Most To Backers On Your Kickstarter Page With Jeremy Howard

Jeremy Howard of ManVsMeeple joins the Crowdfunding Nerds this week to explain what elements make a useful Kickstarter page!
chip cole episode 16

Work-Life Balance For Kickstarter Board Games With Chip Cole

Chip Cole is a freelance board game illustrator and founder of Squatchy Games. Chip has nine children and recently has a very successful Kickstarter Board Game Campaign. He shares his experience of balancing work and family amidst a Kickstarter campaign.

Hygiene Factors Of Your Kickstarter Campaign

In this episode, the nerds talk about the Hygiene Factors of your Kickstarter campaign. These are things you need to think about and have answers for before launching!
episode 21

From Client to Employee – Ryan and His Kickstarter Journey

On this weeks episode Rick and Sean tie up Andrew and take over the podcast! Ryan the new guy join in to discuss his recent Kickstarter project and involvement in Next Level Web.
kickstarter shipping

Everything You Need To Know To Get Started With Kickstarter Shipping

Organising Shipping for your Kickstarter can be a headache! The Crowdfunding Nerds seek to bring some clarity among the chaos with practical tips and tricks to help organise shipping and fulfilment for your next Kickstarter board game project!

Interviewing Nigel Matthews of ShipQuest

On this week's episode, Nigel Matthews of ShipQuest joins the nerds to cover the importance of shipping and fulfillment partners for your upcoming Kickstarter project!

Are Your Manufacturing Numbers Right For Kickstarter?

The Crowdfunding Nerds are at it again with some great advice when it comes to the manufacturing and shipping of your Kickstarter project.

How Deliverance Raised $39,000 On Kickstarter in 8 Minutes

Andrew has been developing Deliverance for 5 years and has finally launched on Kickstater! Having raised $39,000 in 8 minutes he explains how he got to this point.

5 Profitable Things You Can Do During Your Kickstarter Mid-Campaign Slump

Andrew had the privilege of writing an article for Jamey Stegmaier on how to boost the number of pledges during your mid-campaign slump on Kickstarter. The nerds go into further details.

5 MORE Profitable Things You Can Do During Your Kickstarter Mid-Campaign Slump

In part 2 the Crowdfunding nerds continue the discussion of how to boost your Kickstarter campaign during the mid-slump.
ant lab games interview

Interviewing Ant Lab Games: What To Look For In Content Creators Who Review Board Games

Anthony and Frances of Ant Lab Games join the Crowdfunding Nerds to give you an inside look into the process of Kickstarter board game review videos.

Interviewing Ant Lab Games: Part 2 – Dealing With Community Toxicity

Anthony and Frances of Ant Lab Games join the Crowdfunding Nerds in part 2 to discuss dealing with community and social media toxicity as a board game publisher.
episode 33

Reflections After A Successful Kickstarter – What Worked Best

Andrew discusses the various successes and challenges he faced during his Deliverance Kickstarter campaign. As well as the Crowdfunding nerds talk about iOS 14 and the issues its causing.

Major Kickstarter Mistakes You Need To Learn From

On this weeks episode the Crowdfunding Nerds go over some real life blunders Kickstarter hopefuls have fallen prey to.

The Tabletop Games That Don’t Do Well On Kickstarter

The Crowdfunding Nerds dive into the types of games that generally don't do well on Kickstarter. They also explore the importance of building a brand and nurturing a community around our game.

Marketing A Video Game Through Kickstarter With Ryan Wiancko of Fractured Veil – Part 2

The Crowdfunding Nerds continue the discussion with Ryan Wiancko of Paddle Creek Games while covering the importance of community building, and live streaming in video game marketing.

6 Video Types For Your Kickstarter Board Game Advertising

In this episode, Sexy Irish Sean and the Crowdfunding Nerds go over the 6 different types of video marketing you can do on Facebook, and how to implement them.

Haxz0r Techniques To Leverage Your Landing Page During And After Your Kickstarter

The Crowdfunding Nerds have discovered a technique that improves advertising conversions for live Kickstarter campaigns!

5 Areas of Your Kickstarter Business You Should Be Focusing On

The Crowdfunding Nerds dive into 5 things that every successful business needs to focus on.

Post-Kickstarter Discussion: Kickstarter Board Game Creator Launches Successful Kickstarter on Kickstarter

A discussion with Eric Geller of Quest & Cannons (Kickstarter) who launched a successful Kickstarter on Kickstarter joins the Crowdfunding Nerds to discuss said Kickstarter.

Post-Kickstarter Discussion: Kickstarter Board Game Creator Launches Successful Kickstarter on Kickstarter – Part 2

The Crowdfunding Nerds continue their discussion with Eric Geller of Quest & Cannons in Part 2 where pledge managers are covered!

Marketing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Adventure Game On Gamefound

The Crowdfunding Nerds talk about the advantages and challenges of marketing a large IP board game like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Adventure Game.

You Have To Bring A Crowd To Crowdfund

The Crowdfunding Nerds discuss the necessity of going to Kickstarter or Gamefound with a highly engaged community.

Gamefound: Behind The Scenes With CEO Marcin Świerkot

The Crowdfunding Nerds are joined by Marcin Świerkot, CEO of Gamefound to get a behind the scenes look into their plans for the future within the Board Gaming and Tabletop space.

How To Run A Successful Tabletop Business With Chris Birch Of Modiphius Entertainment

Christ Birch, co-founder of Modiphius Entertainment joins the Crowdfunding Nerds to discuss the business of tabletop crowdfunding, licensing, and distribution.

Copyright 2023 Crowdfunding Nerds. All Rights Reserved. By Next Level Web

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