The Sunk Cost Fallacy And How To Craft A Welcome Email
In this episode, the Crowdfunding Nerds discuss the sunk cost fallacy and how it relates to Kickstarter marketing, as well as giving tips on how to craft an effective welcome email!
What can board game developers learn from the current state of the video game industry? In this episode, the Crowdfunding Nerds talk about the importance of community and authenticity within game development.
The Tabletop Games That Don’t Do Well On Kickstarter
The Crowdfunding Nerds dive into the types of games that generally don't do well on Kickstarter. They also explore the importance of building a brand and nurturing a community around our game.
Reflections After A Successful Kickstarter – What Worked Best
Andrew discusses the various successes and challenges he faced during his Deliverance Kickstarter campaign. As well as the Crowdfunding nerds talk about iOS 14 and the issues its causing.
Interviewing Ant Lab Games: Part 2 – Dealing With Community Toxicity
Anthony and Frances of Ant Lab Games join the Crowdfunding Nerds in part 2 to discuss dealing with community and social media toxicity as a board game publisher.
5 Profitable Things You Can Do During Your Kickstarter Mid-Campaign Slump
Andrew had the privilege of writing an article for Jamey Stegmaier on how to boost the number of pledges during your mid-campaign slump on Kickstarter. The nerds go into further details.
How Deliverance Raised $39,000 On Kickstarter in 8 Minutes
Andrew has been developing Deliverance for 5 years and has finally launched on Kickstater! Having raised $39,000 in 8 minutes he explains how he got to this point.
On this week's episode, Nigel Matthews of ShipQuest joins the nerds to cover the importance of shipping and fulfillment partners for your upcoming Kickstarter project!