
Interviewing A Sales Master: Dan Boe – Part 2/2

The Crowdfunding Nerds continue their discussion with Dan Boe, the sales master!

How To Launch Your Second Kickstarter Project With Joe Slack

Joe Slack joins the Crowdfunding Nerds to talk about transitioning from game to game on Kickstarter!

Listen To Joe Slack Before Launching Your Second Kickstarter

The Crowdfunding Nerds continue their discussion with Joe Slack on how to transition from your a successful Kickstarter campaign to another project.

Social Stretch Goals & Mobilizing Your Crowd

The Crowdfunding Nerds discuss the importance of engaging social stretch goals while giving some tips to generate your very own!

The Concept of The Magic Circle In Making Amazing Ads

The Crowdfunding Nerds chop board game industry news while giving you some tips on how to run better Facebook ads. Also, Andrew is diffidently not a necromancer, unless he put a spell on us to tell you that...

How To Run A Board Game Booth At A Convention

The Crowdfunding Nerds give you some convention tips to promote your tabletop project with our without a booth!

Backerkit Crowdfunding? First Thoughts With Alex Radcliffe of BoardGameCo

The popular pledge manager Backerkit, has announced that they will be diving into the crowdfunding arena! Do they have enough buffs to out DPS Gamefound? Or will Kickstarter receive an epic heal and make a comeback?

Amish Romance Novels & Publishing With Kyle Mann

Board Game enthusiast and Editor-in-chief of the Babylon Bee, Kyle Mann joins the Crowdfunding Nerds to discuss publishing and self-promotion.

Backer & Publisher Entitlement

The Crowdfunding Nerds discuss unhelpful attitudes to crowdfunding and give tips to rise above discouragement.

Email Open Rates For Kickstarter

The Crowdfunding Nerds discuss the ideal email open rates that show your community is engaged while sharing tips to improve them.

How To Build Your Kickstarter Community & Delight Fans

The Crowdfunding Nerds talk about how to engage your community before, during and after your Kickstarter campaign with real world examples that produced results!

Kickstarter Videos On A Budget With Ori Kagan (Kagan Productions)

Don’t have the budget for a professional Kickstarter video? Not to fear! Ori of Kagan Productions joins the Crowdfunding Nerds to give you 3 solid tips to creating videos for your Kickstarter on a budget!

When To Spend $10,000 On A Kickstarter Video With Ori Kagan of Kagan Productions

The Crowdunding Nerds are joined by Ori Kagan to discuss Kickstarter video production.

Playing Around Intellectual Properties with Max Dennis

The Crowdfunding Nerds interview Max Dennis of Millian Games to discuss his campaign Sauria: The Dinosaur Park Survival Game, while navigating a product that includes many references to a larger Intellectual property.

How To Interact With Fans In Real Life

Andrew is back from a small convention where he interacted with many super fans. He shares some tips and advice when interacting with fans face to face.

Why Being Positive Will Make You More Money

The Crowdfunding Nerds talk about being positive when things are mostly negative and how it can aid you in winning favour with your backers!

Surveying Your Community – Why & How You Should Do It

The crowdfunding nerds surveyed the Deliverance Board Game community and share valuable insights and tips to survey your own community.

Marketing BIG Games With Ross Thompson

Ross Thompson joins the Crowdfunding Nerds to chop marketing big board games.

Listen to this Podcast Before Making Stretch Goals

Andrew Lowen describes a mistake he made with stretch goals on the last day of his Kickstarter campaign. The Crowdfunding Nerds talk about obligations to delivering to backers, even when it hurts!

How To Get Better At Marketing Your Game

The Crowdfunding Nerds discuss several resources that will help you market your game!

How To Write A Kickstarter Update

Want to write a Kickstarter update for your board game but don’t know where to begin? Well the Crowdfunding Nerds give some needed tips on project updates.

Why Gamers Back Crowdfunding Campaigns

The Crowdfunding Nerds discuss why gamers backed Deliverance on Kickstarter from a recent question and answer. You will be able to leverage these reasons for your own Kickstater or Gamefound campaigns!

5 Dangerous Assumptions That Can Kill Your Crowdfunding Campaign Before It Begins

The Crowdfunding Nerds seek to help you think critically about your game development by pondering 5 dangerous assumptions that can kill your crowdfunding campaign before you even launch.

How To Grow A Community With Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games

Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games joins the Crowdfunding Nerds to discuss the most effective methods of communication for growing communities online.

How To Stop Amazon Crushing Your Post-Campaign Sales

The Crowdfunding Nerds discuss the latest Kickstarter update that has announced a partnership between Jellop and Kicktraq. They also dive into post-campaign strategy and how not to be pwned by Amazon.

Shelfside’s List Of Things You Need For Board Game Influencers

Ashton of Shelfside fame joins the Crowdfunding Nerds to talk about reaching out to Board Game influencers.

Playtesting Is Marketing

How to make a good game? The Crowdfunding Nerds discuss game design and playtesting in the context of marketing.

YouTube Content Strategy For Crowdfunding Games

Samuel Steele, of Tabletop Hub joins the Crowdfunding Nerds on a part 2 episode to talk about YouTube content strategy and paid reviews.

Principles of a Thriving Business w/ Andrew’s #1 Mentor

The Crowdfunding Nerds are joined by Julie Lowen to discuss mentorship and the principles of businesses that thrive.

Interfacing With Retailers Just Got A Whole Lot Easier /w Brendan McCaskell

Brendan McCaskell of Open Owl Studios (formally OOMM Games) joins the Crowdfunding Nerds to talk about marketing Stonesaga and Mythwind while presenting a neat way for publishers to connect with retailers.

Copyright 2023 Crowdfunding Nerds. All Rights Reserved. By Next Level Web

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