August 5, 2024
Podcast Episode 191
Why do people back crowdfunding campaigns? How do different regions impact crowdfunding success? And what’s the secret to building a thriving community?
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Crowdfunding Nerds is here to help you on your crowdfunding quest. We are digital marketing nerds and board gamers. Our partners raised over $2 million on Kickstarter in 2020 with our help, and more than 90% of our projects were funded on the first day.
August 24, 2021
Episode: 36
What can board game developers learn from the current state of the video game industry? In this episode, the Crowdfunding Nerds talk about the importance of community and authenticity within game development.
August 10, 2021
Episode: 35
The Crowdfunding Nerds dive into the types of games that generally don't do well on Kickstarter. They also explore the importance of building a brand and nurturing a community around our game.
August 3, 2021
Episode: 34
On this weeks episode the Crowdfunding Nerds go over some real life blunders Kickstarter hopefuls have fallen prey to.
July 27, 2021
Episode: 33
Andrew discusses the various successes and challenges he faced during his Deliverance Kickstarter campaign. As well as the Crowdfunding nerds talk about iOS 14 and the issues its causing.
July 19, 2021
Episode: 32
Anthony and Frances of Ant Lab Games join the Crowdfunding Nerds in part 2 to discuss dealing with community and social media toxicity as a board game publisher.
July 14, 2021
Episode: 31
Anthony and Frances of Ant Lab Games join the Crowdfunding Nerds to give you an inside look into the process of Kickstarter board game review videos.
So when we are not rolling D20s, arguing which World of Warcraft class has better DPS or growing a neckbeard we help other nerds blow up on Kickstarter.