October 3, 2022

Pitching Your Game With Willem Delventhal (Indie Game Academy)

Episode: 94

The Corwdfunding Nerds are joined by Willem Delventhal of the Indie Game Academy to discuss video game marketing and the benefits of publicly pitching your game to peers.

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The Corwdfunding Nerds are joined by Willem Delventhal of the Indie Game Academy to discuss video game marketing and the benefits of publicly pitching your game to peers.

00:01:08 – Facebook Ad Account Restrictions
00:05:39 – Sean’s Heart-warming Message To Meta
00:07:45 – Advantages of Running Ads Through An Agency
00:11:26 – Buy An Oculus If Your Account Is Restricted
00:16:37 – Who Is Willem Delventhal
00:20:46 – The Advantage of Publicly Pitching Your Game Idea
00:27:22 – The Power of Gamification
00:40:42 – How To Stand Out In A Crowded Market
00:46:24 – Willem’s Advice On Publishing Video Games


Indie Game Academy – https://indiegameacademy.com/

Together Labs – https://togetherlabs.com/

Delve Bros – https://www.delvebros.com/

Guy Kawasaki  – https://www.gravitasinv.com/reading-book/art-start-2-0-guy-kawasaki/

Gather – https://www.gather.town/

Mew and Me App – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mam.mewandme.mewandme&hl=en_US&gl=US

Taelmoor – https://tlm.gg/

How do you crowdfund your video game? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oNe2dJgFY8

Willem on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/ifyouwillem/

IGA Lunch Hour Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/iga-lunch-hour/id1597786388

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